Coach Mike Williams

  • I have trained under 2 Olympic coaches:

    • Mike Holloway, current Head coach of The University of Florida &

    • Jj Clark, Head coach at Stanford University.

  • Training partner of Joetta Clark, Hazel Clark l, and Jearl Miles Clark, when they qualified for the 1996 Olympic Games in the 800 meters.

  • Trained with Mark Everett Marcus O’Sullivan, and Eamon Coghlen, when he broke 4 min in the mile as a 40 year old.

  • I am a certified physical education teacher with 24 years experience.

Who Do I Train?

  • Sprinters

  • Middle and Long distance runners

  • Soccer players

  • Softball & Baseball players

  • Football players

  • Basketball players

  • Training to pass Military Fitness Tests and FBI PFT

We use digital analysis to increase speeds and efficiency of runners which produces faster times. 

Digital analysis of running technique involves the measuring angles of key positions in one’s form. 

Other benefits include detection of imbalances in flexibility and identifying muscle weaknesses. For instance, one leg driving higher than the other which could be caused by either lack of flexibility, lack of strength or posture. 

Whether you are a recreational runner or a professional athlete, digital analysis is a valuable tool that will identify all of your power leaks. 

Send/upload a side view of the athlete running. It could be from a race or just a stride or sprint. For best accuracy, send view of both sides and at speeds that you compete in or train in. 

Options include:  

      top speed/max velocity 

  1. Film after 30 meters for sprinter

  2. Film after 15 meters for distant 

Acceleration first 4 steps. 

2 point, 3 point or 4 point start 

Block setup

Learn to set the blocks up at the po

Blocks starts 

blocks with acceleration/drive phase